Bikini line is four fingers width from bikini line. Also includes line on top of bikini area.
Bikini Line
Bikini line is four fingers width from bikini line. Also includes line on top of bikini area.
Bikini line is four fingers width from bikini line. Also includes line on top of bikini area.
Bikini full wax includes everything in a bikini line wax, as well as hair removal on the front of the pubic bone. You can choose to leave behind a strip, triangle, square or full removal.
Depending on your preference you can choose to remove all the hair in the area or leave a strip behind. Brazilian includes butt strip.
For any client who is currently on accutane or taking any acne medication. Also available for anyone with super sensitive skin.
Includes hands
Includes hands
Includes toes
Includes knees and toes.
Full arm includes hands